Transition-Based Parsing for Deep Dependency Structures

NLP : Transition-Based Parsing for Deep Dependency Structures


前景提要: Greedy Transition-Based Parsing


    2-1 Notations

  • A dependency graph G = (V, A) is a labeled directed graph, such that $x = w_{1}, \cdots, w_{n}$ the following holds:

    1. $V = {0,1,2,\cdots, n}$
    2. $A \subseteq V\times R \times V$
  • $0$ represents a virtual root node $w_{0}$, and all others correspond to words in $x$.

  • An arc $(i,r,j)\in A$ is a dependency relation $r$ from head $w_i$ to dependent $w_j$.

  • Assume $R$ is singleton (consider unlabeled prasing) ($A \subseteq V \times V$).

  • Define a transition system for dependency parsing as a quadruple $S = (C, T, c_{s}, C_{t})$ where,

    1. $C$ is a set of configurations, each of which contains a buffer $\beta$ of remaining words and a set $A$ of dependency arcs.
    2. T is a set of transitions, each of which is a function $t : C \rightarrow C$.
    3. $c_{s}$ is an initialization function, mapping a sentence $x$ to a configuration with $\beta$ = [1,$\cdots$, $n$]
    4. $C_{t} \subseteq C$ is a set of terminal configurations.
  • Oracle Sequence
    Given a sentence $x = w_{1}, \cdots, w_{n}$ and a graph $G=(V, A)$ on it, if there is a sequence of transitions $t_{1}, \cdots, t_{m}$ and a sequence of configurations $c_{0}, \cdots, c_{m}$ such that $c_{0} = c_{s}(x)$, $t_{i}(c_{i-1}) = c_{i}(i = 1,\cdots, m)$, $c_{m} \in C_{t}$, and $A_{C_{m}}=A$.

  • $\bar{A_{c_{i}}} = A - A_{c_{i}}$ the arcs to be built of $c_{i}$.

  • Denote a transition sequence as either $t_{1,m}$ or $c_{0,m}$.

2-2 Naive Spanning and Locality

  • Choice of $Link$:

    1. adding the arc $(i, j)$ for $(j, i)$
    2. adding no arc at all.
  • Time complexity : $\theta(n^{2})$

2-3 Online Re-ordering

  • Handle crossing arc.

  • Idea : Using SWAP transition.

    The system

  • $S_{S} = (C, T, c_{s}, C_{t})$, where a configuration $c = (\sigma, \beta, A) \in C$

  • $\sigma$ : stack, $\beta$ : buffer, $A$ : dependency relations.

  • Set the initial configuration for a sentence $x = w_{1}, \cdots, w_{n}$ to be $c_{s}(x) = ([], [1, \cdots, n], {})$, and take $C_{t}$ to be the set of all configurations of the form $c_{i} = (\sigma, [], A)$ for any $\sigma$ and any $A$.


  • SHIFT (sh) removes the front from the buffer and pushes it onto the stack.

  • LEFT/RIGHT-ARC (la/ra) updates a configuration by adding $(j, i)$/$(i, j)$ to $A$ where $i$ is the top of stack, and $j$ is the front of the buffer.

  • POP (pop) updates a configuration by poping the top of stack.

  • SWAP (sw) updates a configuration with stack $\sigma|i|j$ moving $i$ back to the buffer.

Theoretical Analysis

  • Given a sentence $x = w_{1}, \cdots. w_{n}$ and a graph $G = (V, A)$ on it.

    1. Initial configuration $c_{0} = c_{s}(x)$
    2. On the $i$-stap, let $p$ be the top of $\sigma_{c_{i-1}}$, $b$ be the front of $\beta_{c_{i-1}}$.
    3. Let $L(j)$ be the ordered list of nodes connected to $j$ in $\bar{A}{c{i-1}}$ for any node $j \in \sigma_{c_{i-1}}$.
    4. Let $\mathcal{L}(\sigma_{c_{i-1}}) = [L(j_{0}), \cdots, L(j_{l})]$ if $\sigma_{c_{i-1}}=[j_{l}, \cdots, j_{0}]$.
  • If there is no arc linked to p in $\bar{A}{c{i-1}}$, then we set $t_{i}$ to pop.

  • If there exists $a \in \bar{A}{c{i-1}}$ linking $p$ and $b$, then we set $t_{i}$ to la or ra correspondingly.

  • If there is any node $q$ under top of $\sigma_{c_{i-1}}$ such that $L(q)$ precedes $L(p)$ by the lexicographical order, we set $t_{i}$ to sw.

  • Otherwise, we set $t_{i}$ to sh.

Let $C_{i} = t_{i}(c_{i-1})$; we continue to compute $t_{i+1}$ until $\beta_{c_{i}}$ is empty.

2.4 Two-stack-Based System

  • Handle crossing arcs.

  • Idea : Temporarily move nodes that block non-adjacent nodes to an extra memory module.

The System

  • $S_{2S} = (C, T, c_{s}, C_{t})$, where a configuration $c = (\sigma, \sigma^{\prime}, \beta, A) \in C$, contains a primary stack $\sigma$ and a secondary stack $\sigma^{\prime}$.
  • $c_{s}(x) = ([], [], [1, \cdots, n], {})$ for the sentence $x = w_{1}, \cdots, w_{n}$.
  • $C_{t}$ to be the set of all configurations with empty buffers.


  • MEM (mem) pops the top element from the primary stack and pushes it onto the secondary stack.

  • RECALL (rc) moves the top element of the secondary stack back to the primary stack.

    Theoretical Analysis

  • la, ra, pop is same as Online Re-ordering.

  • After that, let $b$ be the front of $\beta_{c_{i-1}}$.

  • we see if there is $j \in \sigma_{c_{i-1}}$ or $j \in \sigma_{c_{i-1}}^{\prime}$ linked to $b$ by an arc in $\bar{A}{c{i-1}}$.

  • If $j \in \sigma_{c_{i-1}}$, then we do a sequence of mem to make $j$ the top of $\sigma_{c_{i-1}}^{\prime}$.

  • If $j \in \sigma_{c_{i-1}}^{\prime}$, then we do a sequence of rc to make $j$ the top of $\sigma_{c_{i-1}}$.

  • When no node in $\sigma_{c_{i-1}}$ or $\sigma_{c_{i-1}}^{\prime}$ is linked to $b$, we do sh.

2-5 Extension

Graph with Loops

  • Extend the system to generate arbitary directed graphs by adding a new transition.
  • SELF-ARC: adds an arc from the top element of the primary memory module ($\sigma$) to itself, but does not update any stack nor buffer.

3-1 Transition Classification

  • A transition-based parser must decide which transition is appropriate given its parsing environment (i.e., configuration).

  • A discriminative classifier is utilized to approximate the oracle function for a transition system $S$ that maps a configuration $c$ to a transition $t$ that is defined on $c$.

  • Find the transition sequence $c_{0, m}$ that maximizes the SCORE:

  • SCORE($c_{0,m}$) = $\sum^{m-1}{i=0}SCORE(c{i}, t_{i+1})$

  • $SCORE(c_{i}, t_{i+1})=\theta^{T}\phi(c_{i}, t_{i+1})$
    where $\phi$ defines a vector for each configuration-transition pair, $\theta$ is the weight vector for linear combination.

  • beam search to find $\phi$. ( 吳恩達)

  • Averaged perceptron algorithm update estimate parameters $\theta$. (我&祥瑄科導期末報告 p.5)

3-2 Transition Combination

  • Problem : A majority of features for predicting an ARC transition will be overlapped with the features for the sucessive transition, this property significantly decreases the parsing accuracy.

  • Solution : Combine every pair of two successive transitions starting with ARC and transform the proposed two transition systems into two modified one.

Two cycle problem:

  • The number of edges between any two words could be at most two in real data.

  • If there are two edges between two word $w_{a}$ and $w_{b}$, it must $w_{a} \rightarrow w_{b}$ or $w_{b} \rightarrow w_{a}$. We call these tow edges a two-cycle.

  • In our combined transitions, a LEFT/RIGHT-ARC transition should be apper before a non-ARC transition.

  • Two Strategies:

    1. Add a new type of transitions to each system, which consist of a LEFT-ARC transition, a RIGHT-ARC transition, and any other non-ARC transition. (e.g., LEFT-ARC-RIGHT-ARC-RECALL for $S_{2S}$).
    2. Use a non-directional ARC transtion. We propose two algorithms, namely, ENCODELABEL and DECODELABEL. An ARC transition may add one or two edges depend on its label.

If there are total $K$ possible labels in training data.

  • Using strategy 1:
    • Add additional transitions to handle the two-cycle condition.
    • Based on experiments, the performance decreased when using more transitions.
    • Must add $K^{2}$ transitions to deal with all possible types.
  • Using strategy 2:
    • Change the original edges’ labels and use the ARC(label)-non-ARC transition instead of LEFT/RIGHT-ARC(label)-non-ARC.
    • Not only do we encode two-cycle labels, but also LEFT/RIGHT-ARC labels.

Labels that do not appear only contribute non-negative weights while training, we can eliminate them without any performance loss.

[THMM 出處:
Titov, Ivan, James Henderson, Paola Merlo,
and Gabriele Musillo. 2009. Online graph
planarisation for synchronous parsing
of semantic and syntactic dependencies.]

『還有就是他在尋找最好的transition sequence,他發現上下連續的feature會差不多,所以就合併兩成成一個』

In this experiment, we distinguish parsing models with and without transition combination.
2s : two stack
std : which do not combine an ARC transition (No transition combine)
TC : transition combine
{std , TC } X {T, S, 2S}
[有無方法?] X [不同的transition?]
恩恩對 就是他現在把兩個transition合其來變一個,比如(lr+pop)當作一個transition方式。
std 就是lr pop就是個別兩種不同的transition方式。

這個把她留著XD 明天可能比較好講解XD

4 Tree Approximation:

Induce tree backbones from deep dependency graphs, tree backbones can be utilized to train a tree parser which provides pseudo path features.
idea : assign heuristic weights to all ordered pairs of words(all pairs of words), and then find the tree with maximum weights(finding the maximum spanning tree).
nodes : $V$
each possible edge : $edge(i,j), i,j \in V$
assign heuristic weight : $w(i,j)$
all tree : $T$, maximum spanning tree

$w(i,j) = A(i,j) + B(i,j) + C(i,j)$

the tree is informative only when the given graph is dense enough. Fortunately, this condition holds for semantic dependency parsing.

5 Conclusion


  1. 使用tranistion combination > none
  2. 使用2-stack > stack
  3. $S^{rev} > S$, $S^{rev}_{x}$ means processing a sentence with system $S_x$ but in the right-to-left word order.

transition-based : produce general dependency graphs directly from input sequences of words, in a way nearly as simple as tree parsers.

transition combination and tree approximation for statistical disambiguation

state-of-the-art performance on five representative data sets for English and Chinese parsing.

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